Azure Mines Wikia


Gamepasses are boosters in Azure Mines that can only be purchased with Robux. This does add some pay to win aspect to the game, but these gamepasses are not needed to thrive in Azure Mines.

Navigation Kitpng

Costs 25 R$

Navigation Kit[]

"Replaces your depth indicator with a live reading of your exact coordinate position."

As the official description suggests, the navigation kit allows players to view their X, Y, and Z coordinates rather than just their Y coordinate (how deep the player is in the mines). This pass is especially useful for using caves to farm ore or for finding Kappa and Element V.

Risk Analysis Kit[]

Risk Analysis

Costs 40 R$

"Replaces the Mine Condition indicator with an exact reading of the mine's lifetime."

As the official description suggests instead of seeing if mining conditions are either "Safe", "Risky", "Dangerous", or "Critical", you receive a percentage reading of how many more blocks need to be mined before reaching the mining limit of 115K blocks.

Merchant Kit[]

Merchant Kit

Costs 100 R$

"Unlocks an extra deal slot in the Marketplace."

The Merchant Kit adds an extra marketplace slot to the owner's marketplace no matter how high their marketplace level is meaning the maximum amount of slots changes from 4 slots to 5 slots.

RAY GUN (Ray Gun)[]

"Shoot the ray gun at ore to make it weaker and easier to mine, or fire it at monsters to quickly extinguish them!"


Costs 200 R$

The Ray Gun is used to kill Zombies and Zwambies (which spawn in Caves) and can be also used to weaken blocks by 50% to make it easier to mine. You can tell a block is weakened by its vivid yellow color. This effect also stacks with the freezing effect dealt from a frostarium pickaxe.

It can be fired up to 8 rounds per second and can hold up to 10 rounds at once. You can press R to reload even when not empty or click again when there are no more rounds to fire to reload the Ray Gun.


  • The Navigation Kit is very useful for locating Kappa and Element V as it displays your exact co-ordinates. Without it, it would be nearly impossible to find these ores.
  • The Merchant Kit is useful for selling and buying required ore due to the extra slot.
  • Some people often criticize berezaa, the creator or Azure Mines, because of the prices of the game passes. Most of the people complain about the Merchant Kit and Navigation Kit.